Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jesus!!!! I am in Brazil!

I was soooo scared, I almost thought I was not going to Brazil because I learned on the day before I was leaving that my Visa was about to be four days older than it was supposed to be. I was so scared because I was told that I would be turned away from the airport if my Visa was too old. So, I am stressing out, calling, e-mailing the embassy, no avail. I went to the airport anyways and the airport assistant approved my Visa. Then I flew to São Paulo, and they checked my Visa again...I MADE IT!!! Now I am enjoying my friends in São Paulo. I had a great time on the plane and met an old lady who sat next to me on the plane to São Paulo and she was very nice and was around the same age as my grandma so I dubbed her as my Mexican Airplane Grandma lol. Now, I prepare to start a new blog: Estou no Brasil!